I grew up in the early 50’s and my parents like many of their friends believed in making it a practice to attend church as a family. For them, church was a core item in our home and not an addendum that would be discarded by other distractions. Quite the opposite… Other distractions were discarded or never considered on the basis of what they were learning and becoming as a result of their devotion to personal growth in their faith walk with God.
As an older person, with the direction of parents long past, I am completely free to make my own choice as to how I will cultivate my personal connection with God. I have decided that making time each day to feed and foster my personal walk with God falls into the “best practices” category.
Here’s what I do to accomplish this goal…
In my home I have established and early morning quiet time and place where each day I can be focused and contemplative without distractions. That time is set aside for “the meeting” with God.
Close at hand are my Bible and a special calendar that I created a long time ago. I pray, using the words of the Bible like a pattern. Each day I connect those scriptural thoughts to a list of people, whose names have been recorded over time. This idea stems from the confidence that God knows everyone completely, even though the details of their lives are unknown to me. In addition, if I am praying for people with requests that are patterned after His Word, I can be certain that I am praying correctly according to His will.
Here’s the thing… It is never too late to develop a personal walk with God and old age is as good a time as any to begin.
Marion Lorence
Glendale Place, Resident Manager
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