Corrected Vision

The first wearing of my new glasses

The big surprise was the first wearing of my new glasses. Everything was sharp and in focus, but when I tried to walk it seemed to me that the ground was tilted to the left.

When I was young, I assumed upon my eyes.  They saw everything correctly and I never gave them a second thought.  One day, when I was about 36 years old I noticed something that looked like thick hairs floating across the page as I read a book.  Concerned, I went to the eye doctor who assured me that the vitreous floaters I was seeing were a normal part of the “aging process”.  With the pride of my youth wounded, I set about accepting “floaters” as part of the altered vision I would have to live with.

Some year’s later, severe pain in my left eye signaled the presence of some terrible problem.  “Shingles” was the diagnosis and I was dismayed to learn that the virus, which caused the pain, was already in my body.  It had been lying dormant in my spinal fluid since my childhood bout with chicken pox.

The pain brought life to a halt and I sought help in the doctors’ office. Continue reading


the entire multitude was rejoicing over all the glorious things being done by Him

Are you at peace with God and your word today? Are you in a time-frame where everything is going fine and troubles of the past are a memory? Will you enter into the rejoicing that can be your experience as you see what Jesus is doing in the lives of those people you know?

Luke 13: 10-17

17         And as He said this, all His opponents were being humiliated; and the entire multitude was rejoicing over all the glorious things being done by Him.

……. and the entire multitude was rejoicing over all the glorious things being done by Him.

The multitude were the people in attendance at the worship service where these events occurred and possibly would include others who may have been pressing in outside the building. Jesus had done something glorious among them by healing the woman who was bent over.

I am certain that there were many other people nearby that day that needed healing as well. Continue reading

Glorify God

And He laid His hands upon her; and immediately she was made erect again, and began glorifying God.

What exactly does it mean to glorify God. The Amplified Bible says that she recognized, thanked and praised God. Her connection to God went from participation in a ceremony to an experience that she could know, feel and understand. Her knowing of God became an undeniable, obvious experience to her and to everyone who knew her.

Luke 13: 10-17

Verse 13     And He laid His hands upon her; and immediately she was made erect again, and began glorifying God.

…immediately she was made erect again, and began glorifying God.

She was made erect again.  Think of what transpired in just the few seconds that it took for Jesus to touch her and transfer the power that was in Him to her deformed body.  She had been viewing whatever was under foot, being unable to ‘straighten herself up or look upward’ (Amplified Bible)  Now in a moment of time she is made erect and is able to see everything around her as others did, free from the bond of sickness that had identified her life and existence for the last 18 years.

Surely, these moments became the centerpiece of her identity from that moment on.
Surely she would repeat each detail tirelessly from then on to everyone she met.
Surely, everyone who looked at her would wonder how she could be the same person. Continue reading

His Hands

touched by His hands of love

Where do you need and long for restoration? Do you find yourself wishing it could be you who is being touched by His hands of love?

Luke 13: 10-17

Verse 13                             And He laid His hands upon her; and immediately she was made erect again, and began glorifying God.

Jesus frees her from her sickness that has bound her for 18 years.  Then He lays his hands upon her.  I have to wonder how and where He touched her.  I have said before that so little is communicated by words…. How much more about the senders’ motive and heart in the matter, is communicated by the touch of another person.

I am very aware of the need that all people have to be touched in ways that communicate to them how much they are loved and valued because I myself need that kind of touch.  Continue reading


And this woman, a daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan has bound for eighteen long years, should she not have been released from this bond on the Sabbath day

“Woman, you are freed from your sickness.” Not, your going to be freed, or your freedom is beginning right now, but rather you ARE freed from your sickness.

Today, we hear Jesus speak to her……

Luke 13: 10-17

Verse 12     And when Jesus saw her, He called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your sickness.”

“Woman, you are freed from your sickness.”

You are freed from your sickness.  Not, your going to be freed, or your freedom is beginning right now, but rather you ARE freed from your sickness.  Remember that this sickness which bound her for 18 years was caused by a Satan.  It’s interesting to me that He does not address Satan or the spirit involved at all in this instance.  In some other cases He does, but here He simply speaks the truth that is Gods plan for her life and Satan is rendered powerless to stand in the way or to put forth any argument at all. Continue reading

Jesus called her over…

Jesus called her over

Jesus called her in some way that communicated to her that He was the greatest authority in that room.
Jesus called her in some way that communicated that He could take care of the leaders who would object.
Jesus called her in some way that communicated that close proximity to him was the safest location in the world.
Jesus called her in some way that communicated that if she obeyed, good things would happen.

There is so much more to the story……

Luke 13: 10-17

Verse 12              And when Jesus saw her, He called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your sickness.”

He called her over………

The synagogue arrangement was such that the woman who was bent over double because of an 18 year sickness caused by Satan, found herself with the other women at the worship service.  The women were required to be behind a lattice work wall, separate form the men who would have been in closer proximity to Jesus who was seated on the raised platform near the middle of the room.

The fact that He saw her at all is of great interest and it is clear that in seeing her Jesus also knew every thing about her and the illness that bound her making the ground her most familiar view. Continue reading

When Jesus Saw Her…

the arrangement placed the women in side galleries screened off by lattice work walls.

The audience was divided by gender. Sometimes, down the center of the room was a wall five or six feet high with the men on one side and the women on the other. In other cases, the arrangement placed the women in side galleries screened off by lattice work walls.

More about the un-named woman…….

Luke 13: 10-17

Verse 12              And when Jesus saw her, He called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your sickness.”

Jesus saw her……..

The synagogue was usually constructed on the highest ground in the town.  It was constructed so that when worshipers entered or prayed, they would be facing Jerusalem.  Inside the building, on the Jerusalem end of the structure, was a special place reserved for the ark which was an ornamented chest which housed the sacred scrolls of the law when they were not in use.  In front of the ark was the eight branched lamp which was lighted only on great festival days and beside that was another lamp which was kept burning perpetually.  Nearest this area were the seats of honor. Continue reading

A Woman

And there was a woman who for eighteen years had had a sickness caused by a spirit; and she was bent double, and could not straighten up at all

She was utterly unable to straighten herself or to look upward. The sickness that she suffered caused her body to be bent double so that her natural view was to the ground. Her deformity was in fact grotesque and known to all who saw her.

The story continues…….  Luke 13 10-17

Verse 10 & 16a

9       And there was a woman who for eighteen years had had a sickness caused by a spirit; and she was bent double, and could not straighten up at all

15    “And this woman, a daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan has bound for eighteen long years…

A woman was there in the place of worship that day.  There must have been lots of women and men as well.  We do not know her name but we know a few things about her. Continue reading

Cut To The Core

You’ve seen it happen.  When life circumstances cut you down, what’s really “under the hood” shows up and sometimes it is pretty ugly.

You’ve seen it happen. When life circumstances cut you down, what’s really “under the hood” shows up and sometimes it is pretty ugly.

You’ve heard the saying… “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.  True or not, it is my practice to eat an apple every day.  Recently, I noticed that the top was showing some spoiling, so I thought, “I’ll just cut that part off and eat the rest.  When I cut off the part that was visibly offensive, I found that the whole thing was rotten to the core with only the surface areas appearing to be yet unspoiled.  It was clear, that given a few more days, even in the refrigerator, the whole apple would have been spoiled. Continue reading

Food Is My Medicine

For about the last year, I have been eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.  OK… so my grocery bill is high, but it occurred to me that there has been a good trade-off here.

For about the last year, I have been eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. OK… so my grocery bill is high, but it occurred to me that there has been a good trade-off here.

My peers are a group of aging people.  I hear plenty of talk about the cost of medications that seem to be prescribed like a “mixed cocktail” that sometimes necessitates elaborate plans on the part the patient to make sure it all goes down at the right time, in the right dose.  In fact, this is so common that one might assume that it just has to be that way.  I disagree. Continue reading