The tiny copper coin known as the “widows’ mite” was worth less that a cent. To His disciples, Jesus commended the poor widow who gave two of the tiny coins to the temple treasury. Furthermore, Jesus said she was giving all she had, even her whole livelihood!
Why would she give so much? What motivated her? And why did she give to the temple treasury?
In her day, she would have had knowledge of the scriptures of the Old Testament in which God invites His people to test Him by bringing tithes and offerings into the storehouse. He promises to provide generously for those who will enter into this “faith” agreement with Him. This is the ONLY place in the Bible where God asks us to test Him so that we can experience His faithful provision.
I saw this as a young woman in my 20’s when I did not have any money that I could call my own. I knew of a missionary endeavor that I wanted to support, so I entered into this idea by praying first that God would supply a certain amount of money within one week so that I could give what was in my heart. During that week I was able to earn that exact amount. That was the beginning.
Now in my 70’s I can tell you that I have ALWAYS found God faithful to provide for ALL of my needs. Additionally I have seen that my heart has followed my decisions about money.
“Follow your heart” is a popular saying these days, but that is not what the Bible says. It does say that your heart will follow your decisions about the money that is entrusted to you.
Give your heart to the Lord first and begin asking Him to mold it according to His will. Then, if you dare, enter into the exciting path of trusting Him with your money.